Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Staying Focus on my Goals

Hello everyone,

Well it's been a couple weeks since my last post. I've been slowly but surely getting things into place. What I have learned so far is to stay focus on my vision and goals. I know it's pretty hard to stay focus while keeping up with my full time job and giving my family the quality time that they need. Sometimes it can very tiring but I know it will be all worth it in the end. Stay focused on my vision and my goal of owning a successful business and not to let anything or anyone stop me from achieving my goal is what I need to do. 

As far as my affiliate marketing business, I've been trying different things to market GDI. My family and I have been going to the malls and placing business cards on cars. Placing flyers in different stores that have community boards. What I've also been trying was leaving a card at the table when we eat out, give one to the cashier person when i pay at any store or fast food joint. Its been pretty fun at the same time because we are making it a family thing. My wife and I have even been paying our boys $10.00 each to place on cars. So it's a win win for all of us. 

I've also been going back to writing articles on I've learned that writing articles is a good way of promoting the business as well. So far I have 5 live articles. If you're curious on reading them you can go to I find it fun and rewarding because I can analyze and track how many people have read them. It's actually pretty rewarding to know that I've created my own original articles for people to read and no one can take that away from me. 

The last thing I've tried was promoting my business through email by sending emails to everyone I know. Oh yeah, also facebook helps to. I'm currently in the process of creating a page for GDI linked to my account. So as you can see I'm trying everything and anything to help get this business known out to the world. I just can't explain so much in words how this opportunity to be part of a growing company makes me feel. I'm just excited. 

Below is a clip that I wanted to share w/ you. Its a video by Tony Robbins who is a great motivational speaker. His words and his perspective on life has really influenced myself and my out look on life. Enjoy!!!

 Thanks again for visiting my blog.  


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