Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Hello everyone,

You know at times in your life you wake up and realize how great life is. You look over and see your wife sleeping calmly and sound. Walk around your home and stare at all your kids sleeping safely w/ no worries. Knowing that you're providing a roof over their heads, food for them to eat, and  clothes on their back. You have a great and secure job that helps you take care of them. Then you stop and think, wow, I am the luckiest man in the world. I am greatly blessed and thankful for everything that I have.

Then you realize how much they depend on you. Every decision and every direction that you take effects their lives and their well being. For some people out there, it is too much for them to handle. I mean if you think about it, being a father and husband is a job on it's own. You should want to be the best that you can be. Children should have nothing to worry about except for doing their chores and homework. As a father you need to make sure they have all the essentials in life, a place to live, clothes to wear, food on the table, and the most important is love. Thats all they need! And its up to you to make sure they recieve all of these ingredients. This does not only pertain to your children but also your wife. She is the bond that keeps the family together. Your partner, best freind, and your Queen. It is your job to make sure she recieves the same ingredients and more.

I appreciate my Great Life Now! But I feel my family deserves more. I want to create a solid foundation not only for my family but for their children and generations to come. It's a very powerful feeling if you think about it. Every decision that you make effects not only your children but generations to come. That's why I want to create a legacy of good fortune and create a good example that my children can share w/ theirs. You work hard, treat people the way you want to be treated, love your children, respect your husband or wife, and be thankful and blessed for everything that you have.

I know this is a little off of what I normally talk about but this was something that I wanted to share. My family ( Ohana ) is my driving force. They motivate me to be successful in all my endeavors. I will be successful with my new business venture and my family will reap the benefits. I am truly blessed!

I Will Have A Great Life!

I've attached this video that I would like for you all to watch. It's very insipring! Never give up on your dreams and open up your mind because anything is possible as long as you believe and have faith! Enjoy!

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