Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Writing Articles To Market Your Business

Hello everyone,

Writing articles is one technique that many affiliate marketers are doing right now. For some, this is all they do and are earning thousands of dollars every month. When you write articles, you have the opportunity to write something that you are interested in and share w/ the world. It can be about starting a business, dancing, parenting, or even mountain biking. The key to earning money is to write as many articles and build a following of readers. At the end of each article, you will promote your website or blog and create a link so that when they click on it they will see what you are offering or selling. You see the key is traffic. You may have the best product or service out there but how can you share it or promote it if you can't get anyone to your site. That's how affiliate marketers become successful. The best thing about writing articles is that it is free. There are plenty of places on the Internet like, , that you can start writing and promoting your business.

Another food for thought is that every article you write about will be shared through out the world. When I say the world, I mean the World Wide Web. Think about this for a moment. Every new article that you post to your blog or article directory becomes a brand new page on the Internet. It is a new entity created on the World Wide Web and something that never existed before. Now that's powerful! You are writing all these articles which are original and unique in your own way. Also the more articles you write and create will gain more attention from Google and other search engines. And that's eventually what you want. The ability for someone to search for something relevant to their needs and you're articles come up first. That's when you start getting major traffic. Remember, that's what this whole marketing strategy is doing. Getting the reader to read your article and getting them interested enough to go to your site. FREE MARKETING!

On a different note. Earlier today I was browsing around you tube and I found this video that may fit what we all want in life! :) Till Next Time Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reasons to Start a Home Business!

Hello everyone,

I created a new page, Stay Motivated, that you can look at anytime to help reinforce why you would want to create a home business. Many people are different and have different reasons for doing what they want to do or be in life. For some they may want to become financially free and in my opinion starting you're own home based business is the right direction to go. The Internet as we all know is the future of communication. All around the world and in every home and business, people are using the Internet for all types of activities. Now that's world wide. That's why it's call the world wide web. That is why owning or starting an Internet based business is the best way to achieve financial freedom. Think about it, all those customers on the Internet waiting for the next new product or waiting for that new service to buy. I'm telling you it is possible. There are thousands of people all over the world earning thousands of dollars monthly from the comfort of their home. I know for some it can be challenging and may lack the confidence or resources to start a home business on their own, but you just need to surround yourself w/ the right positive people, do your research, and ask yourself why would you want to start a home business and who would benefit the most.

For me..... its my family : )

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Multiple Streams of Income

Hello everyone,

If you noticed on the top of my page I have placed a link sending you to my  Plug In Profit site, As you know, I've been promoting Global Domains International. I still believe this is going to be my bread and butter for residual income. But why stop there? Why should I limit myself to just 1 product. There are many products out in the world that can help you achieve the financial freedom that we are all looking for. The key to being successful is finding the right products that will give you best opportunity to receive residual income. Products that will pay you for the rest of your lives. There are companies that pay you a commission for selling their product on your website or blog an you can get paid a very good commission. But what happens after that? You have to continue to keep selling the products and hope it sells to make a consistent income. With products like Global Domains International or Host, you can find people to join and as long as they're members you get paid. The best thing about these types of products is that when they find people the same way you did, you get a percentage from those new members and so forth. That's the key to being a successful Internet entrepreneur.

On my website, I am promoting the top 5 affiliate marketing products online today, including Global Domains International. All 5 products are the top paying affiliates, which are helping people like yourselves earn thousands of dollars on a monthly basis. The system that is helping w/ my business is the Plug in Profit Site. It is helping me market all 5 products and earn residual income from all of them. Now the title of the post is Multiple Streams of Income. That's pretty much what it's all about. Earning income from multiple products at the same time. You may have heard of this marketing strategy from a well known entrepreneur, Robert Allen, who was a guest on Oprah Winfrey's talk show. As a matter of the fact the same core ideas that Robert Allen wrote in his book are applied w/ my site. It's the best tool right now that I'm using and learning at the same time. I highly suggest looking into this if you are interested in becoming an Internet success story.

If your curious and would like to know more, go ahead and visit my website @ Once you come to my site, go ahead and sign up for my Home Business Tips Newsletter. It's totally free!

Have a great weekend! 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Hello everyone,

You know at times in your life you wake up and realize how great life is. You look over and see your wife sleeping calmly and sound. Walk around your home and stare at all your kids sleeping safely w/ no worries. Knowing that you're providing a roof over their heads, food for them to eat, and  clothes on their back. You have a great and secure job that helps you take care of them. Then you stop and think, wow, I am the luckiest man in the world. I am greatly blessed and thankful for everything that I have.

Then you realize how much they depend on you. Every decision and every direction that you take effects their lives and their well being. For some people out there, it is too much for them to handle. I mean if you think about it, being a father and husband is a job on it's own. You should want to be the best that you can be. Children should have nothing to worry about except for doing their chores and homework. As a father you need to make sure they have all the essentials in life, a place to live, clothes to wear, food on the table, and the most important is love. Thats all they need! And its up to you to make sure they recieve all of these ingredients. This does not only pertain to your children but also your wife. She is the bond that keeps the family together. Your partner, best freind, and your Queen. It is your job to make sure she recieves the same ingredients and more.

I appreciate my Great Life Now! But I feel my family deserves more. I want to create a solid foundation not only for my family but for their children and generations to come. It's a very powerful feeling if you think about it. Every decision that you make effects not only your children but generations to come. That's why I want to create a legacy of good fortune and create a good example that my children can share w/ theirs. You work hard, treat people the way you want to be treated, love your children, respect your husband or wife, and be thankful and blessed for everything that you have.

I know this is a little off of what I normally talk about but this was something that I wanted to share. My family ( Ohana ) is my driving force. They motivate me to be successful in all my endeavors. I will be successful with my new business venture and my family will reap the benefits. I am truly blessed!

I Will Have A Great Life!

I've attached this video that I would like for you all to watch. It's very insipring! Never give up on your dreams and open up your mind because anything is possible as long as you believe and have faith! Enjoy!

Friday, September 17, 2010


Good afternoon,

Today is a good day. Anytime I can stay home and hang out w/ my family is always a blessing. Whenever I have the day off, I enjoy dropping my kids off to school. These are the times I feel are times to appreciate. I'm sure my kids appreciate it as well. I love the feeling when I say Daddy is going to drop you guys off to school today. Then they all break out w/ a smile. Especially my young one who jumps up and down w/ great enthusiasm.

The one thing that they always say though is, " Dad are you going out like that?" And of course I tell them, " well I'm not going out of the car or anything...whats wrong if I'm wearing my red shorts, orange tank top, hat, and's my day off!" Other than that, we all still enjoying the fact that I'm off. And you should see my baby girl, of course who is not in school yet. She is just excited and all over me while my wife is enjoys sleeping in.

Time to put on Sponge Bob Square Pants for my princess to watch and work on my business.

Last night I stayed up pretty late, trying to figure out how I can promote my new venture. I talked about how my family and I are doing external promotions, which are flyer's, business cards, and word of mouth. I even got some advise from an old high school friend, who saw my link on Facebook. Now that was an eye opener for me because he was the 2nd person from high school to contact me in regards to my business venture. Facebook is a great way to not only keep in touch w/ your friends and family but a great way to get your business some exposure. He gave me some advise on how to promote any business and recommended T-Shirts. T-Shirts is a great way to promote any business externally. A great example of how Facebook is helping everyone is the fact the my friend was also promoting his business at the same time. He actually owns a silk screening company. Talk about a win win. I may have found a business partner for my future marketing campaigns. Now can you imagine for second on how powerful Facebook can be. There are over a million Facebook users through out the world today. Now, Facebook offers the ability to promote your add, not only on your profile site but through out the Facebook community world wide. You only get charged, when a consumer clicks on your link. Plus you have control to manage on how many clicks you get daily. That's an incredible tool to have when marketing your business. You can also create your own business entity or page. I have friends currently on Facebook that are promoting their businesses as well. Just the other day another old friend of mine invited me to accept and invitation for his real estate business. I believe he is a real estate agent and he uses this page to promote homes that are for sale in his particular area. Another friend of mine has a page for his Mercedes Auto Repair Company. They have taken advantage and seen how powerful it is to use Facebook. They are gaining tremendous exposure and I bet you getting more business if they were not using it. This is all just food for thought of course. But if your want to get good exposure this is just one of many ways to market your business.

I will continue to talk about other ways I am trying to promote and market my business in future blogs. Also just FYI, I am currently an author for EZINEARTICLES.COM. I currently have 5 live articles that are in place for anyone to read. Just go to the website and type in Oliver Olano in the search box. This is another way I am marketing, but I can talk about that in another blog.

To end my post, I have embedded a video I found on you tube. Of course I'm showing my age but that's just me. My kids are into this and I find it kinda cool that I can still do this with them. Enjoy!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Staying Focus on my Goals

Hello everyone,

Well it's been a couple weeks since my last post. I've been slowly but surely getting things into place. What I have learned so far is to stay focus on my vision and goals. I know it's pretty hard to stay focus while keeping up with my full time job and giving my family the quality time that they need. Sometimes it can very tiring but I know it will be all worth it in the end. Stay focused on my vision and my goal of owning a successful business and not to let anything or anyone stop me from achieving my goal is what I need to do. 

As far as my affiliate marketing business, I've been trying different things to market GDI. My family and I have been going to the malls and placing business cards on cars. Placing flyers in different stores that have community boards. What I've also been trying was leaving a card at the table when we eat out, give one to the cashier person when i pay at any store or fast food joint. Its been pretty fun at the same time because we are making it a family thing. My wife and I have even been paying our boys $10.00 each to place on cars. So it's a win win for all of us. 

I've also been going back to writing articles on I've learned that writing articles is a good way of promoting the business as well. So far I have 5 live articles. If you're curious on reading them you can go to I find it fun and rewarding because I can analyze and track how many people have read them. It's actually pretty rewarding to know that I've created my own original articles for people to read and no one can take that away from me. 

The last thing I've tried was promoting my business through email by sending emails to everyone I know. Oh yeah, also facebook helps to. I'm currently in the process of creating a page for GDI linked to my account. So as you can see I'm trying everything and anything to help get this business known out to the world. I just can't explain so much in words how this opportunity to be part of a growing company makes me feel. I'm just excited. 

Below is a clip that I wanted to share w/ you. Its a video by Tony Robbins who is a great motivational speaker. His words and his perspective on life has really influenced myself and my out look on life. Enjoy!!!

 Thanks again for visiting my blog.