Sunday, October 31, 2010

Simple Reasons For Starting A Home Business

Hello everyone,

The other day I was driving from work thinking about the business and I was trying to figure out what I can say to help motivate people to want to start a home business. Everyone has their own reasons for doing anything in life and always striving to be better in what they are doing now. We all have goals in life. Goals are the driving force that makes us who and what we are today. So what I decided to do was come up with a few reasons why to start up a home business and what benefits come w/ it.

1. You are the boss! You are the on single person that calls the shots. You decide how you want to run your business.

2. No worries about getting fired. Job security for as long as you continue to work your business.

3. No more long hours when you own your own business. You will be able to set your own hours that best fits your schedule.

4. You will be able to work less hours and make more money than you did at your previous job. Which will allow you to spend more time and do the things that you want to do.

5. Stress would not be a factor in your life. You will be doing something you enjoy and love. Not many people can do this.

6. When you work from home, you can have more fun. You don't have to worry about dress codes or any types of rules and regulations. You can work in your your pajamas from home if you like.

7. You will start to save on daily expenses. Things like gas costs to work and back. Maybe even toll expenses if you have any in your area. If you like going to Starbucks or your favorite coffee shop, you don't have to worry about that, because you can make your own at home and also wear and tear on your vehicle. All of these eliminated from your daily life can save you a lot of money as well.

8. You can start your own home business w/ little or no cost at all. Which means, the minute you start making money, it's all profit from there.

9. Owning your own business comes w/ many tax benefits at the end of the year. I suggest talking to your tax expert or even look online in regards to owning your own business. You will be surprised!

10. The last thing I feel is the best benefit from starting your own home business is PRIDE! You did it on your own and all the hard work becomes satisfying once you start making money.

These are just a few reasons for starting your own business. Of course we all have different reasons and agendas for doing something because of course we are all different. But just a food for thought....The decisions we make in the world today, will affect generations to come. For me as a father, I want to leave this world knowing that I did all I can do to make sure my children and their children have a great life. I want my family to look back in their family tree and know that my wife and I made the right decisions in life and they can use us as an example to help guide their families.

"Stay Motivated and Always Strive To Best That You Can Be"

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